CHALLENGE 1: How to match all the mission-critical requirements?

When you have a mission-critical system, you need a mission-critical connectivity solution. The nature of these applications sets very hard requirements for connectivity, reliability and security. If connectivity is lost, it often leads to loss of money and time, and it may also have a negative effect on brand value and customer experience.

Your application should have the highest availability under all circumstances. Mission-critical characteristics are emphasized even more during major events, such as electricity blackouts. You need to be sure that your mission-critical communications is reliable and high available at all times, and you need to be able to trust that your system is well protected and cyber secure. If something happens, you need to be able to detect and fix the failure quickly. Every second counts.


See SATEL solution

CHALLENGE 2: How to combine the best features of various technologies?

Industrial communications, including mission-critical connectivity, is constantly requiring more and more throughput, or speed. Often the highest speed requirements are for less critical components. The challenge is to combine speed and reliability requirements, and this often calls for efficient combining of different technologies, such as cellular and private radio networking technologies.

You need to make sure that the co-operation of adjacent technologies is seamless. If one communications channel becomes unavailable, the switchover to surviving path should be done automatically. Using various technologies side-by-side ensures that the various system requirements such as different investment profiles and increasing redundancy and performance demands are met.


See SATEL solution

CHALLENGE 3: How to carry out network modernization in a smart way?

Automation systems are currently being modernized in a big extent. Smart modernization adds up to significant savings, when the lifetime of the legacy components is extended and the modernization process executed step-by-step.

You need make sure that the legacy serial and the new IP systems can be supported in parallel and that you can take full advantage of the modern IP components. Of course, you would also like to do this cost-efficiently, without adding complexity and possible points of failure by introducing additional equipment to the network.


See SATEL solution

The SATEL XPRS is a data communications solution for mission-critical systems. It is based on private radio networking technology, but also includes the option of complementing the system with cellular technology.

It offers the most reliable long-range data connectivity and the highest availability for mission-critical applications under all circumstances. At the core of the SATEL XPRS solution is a smart IP radio router: SATELLAR XT 5RC.

The SATEL XPRS can be built in any location where high available mission-critical connectivity is required, even when there is no public network availability at all. It has back-up power, so it works even, for example, in total electricity blackout scenarios.

While your own private network can be totally independent and disconnected from public internet or cellular network services, it can also be complemented with them. Cooperation of adjacent technologies like cellular can at its best add even more reliability, predictability and security to your mission-critical connectivity. You have the total control of your network in your own hands with availability up to 100%.

The SATEL XPRS is also your choice, if you are planning to modernize your network in a smart way. It enables the use of legacy and modern components in parallel making a step-by-step modernization possible.


Private radio network

  • Predictable costs, significant savings in the long run
  • Savings by minimum maintenance requirements
  • Static performance, easy dimensioning
  • No data plans
  • Built-in security
  • Long investment age

High availability

  • Significant cost savings by avoiding downtime
  • Rule out loss of service leading to loss of revenue
  • Rule out possible penalties or fines
  • Rule out delays in fault localization, isolation and restoration
  • Savings in workforce costs

Utmost security

  • Rule out unauthorized access and system downtime
  • Avoid malicious use of the system and extensive damage
  • Cost savings and less possible points of failure, since external encryption devices are not needed
  • Ensure trustworthy PR imago

User-friendly configuration tool

  • Easy and centralized configuration
  • Error-free network deployment and automated calculation of network parameters
  • Reduced configuration time, leading up to 80% savings
  • Rule out human configuration errors, which may cause excessive expenses

Co-operation of adjacent technologies

The SATEL XPRS features co-operation of adjacent technologies with integrated redundancy and routing protocols. The co-operation enables utilizing the best characteristics of each technology. This way the SATEL XPRS can meet all the varying systems requirements for different investment profiles, redundancy and performance.

The SATEL XPRS ensures working reliability and minimum downtimes with co-operation of adjacent technologies. If one communication channel becomes unavailable, the solution automatically switches over to surviving path. During a power outage, caused for example by a storm, it can run for days with a back-up battery.

The radio technology of the SATEL XPRS is complemented with SATEL-GW cellular routers. They provide an easy deployment, secure connectivity and robust operation over 2G/3G or LTE.

Key benefits for using the SATEL XPRS

  • Adds reliability, predictability and security to your communications
  • Meets the mission-critical requirements
  • Easy integration of multiple technologies

Network modernization with using IP with legacy serial

The SATEL XPRS enables the usage of existing serial based infrastructure with the new IP components by integrated protocol gateway functionality. This extends the lifetime of the old components and makes the transition period smarter and easier. The network modernization can be done step-by-step.

Key benefits for using the SATEL XPRS

  • Protect the previous investment by prolonging the lifetime of the legacy system components while extending the network with modern components
  • Avoid the need to invest in external protocol converters or additional devices, which cost and can be a possible point of failure
  • Easy integration means cost savings
  • The whole system can be run with one IP-based protocol: reduces costs, makes the network more manageable
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